
I'm Shari, an entrepreneur, mother, and wife from Trinidad and Tobago. Coupled with my passion for design, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my work in graphic, fashion and costume design.

I love experimenting with bold patterns and textures to create designs that truly stand out. Whether it's a SHOPSHARI dress, a promotional campaign or a website for my favorite client, I bring a unique perspective and a keen eye for detail to everything I create.

In my professional life, I've founded and run several businesses, including Caribbean fashion brand, SHOPSHARI. When I'm not working, I absolutely love spending time with my family and pursuing my own passion projects. Traveling is one of my favourite things to do! I find inspiration in the different cultures and landscapes I encounter on my adventures.

Ultimately, my goal is to bring joy to others through my work and personal life. With each project I take on, Iā€™m committed to making a positive impact and creating something truly special.

Whether it's mixing prints, experimenting with color, or simply pushing the boundaries of traditional design, I'm always excited to create something new.